#3 Superpowers

If I had to choose one superpower I would choose teleportation. I would choose teleportation so I could be anywhere at anytime and I could be back at anytime and anywhere. Teleportation could also be use full in time travel or to get myself out of dangerous or awkward situations. If I were to have teleportation as a superpower I would want to be able to take anyone I choose with me when I teleport. That way I can get myself and anyone else out of dangerous or scary situations.

Beam me up? The paradoxes and potential of human teleportation - Big Think


How a 'Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen' earworm took over the internet - BBC News


Loud, clumsy, hard-working, caring

Daughter of Dustin and Desi

Lover of music, making people happy, and water

Who feels emotional, jealous, happy

Who fears being forgotten, getting kidnapped, being alone

Who would like to see Coldplay

Resident of Springfield, Oregon. <33



Blog #2-Travel Destination


The place that I choose is Alaska. The reason I chose that place is because I’ve always wanted to go there and I love cold climates. It’s also really pretty there and I want to see the northern lights. The northern lights are located in the Interior and Arctic regions in Alaska and I think it would be really cool to see. In Alaska they have a lot of fish and even Reindeer sausage!  I also really like fish so that wouldn’t be an issue. There are many tourist attractions in ALaska including Denali National Park, and University of Alaska Museum of the north. This is why I would want to visit Alaska.Aurora may be visible in northern US as solar storm heads for earth

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